Interested in a discounted monthly membership or class pass? View Membership Plans. *New plans available as of 12/2022!*
*Now Accepting Afterpay for Holistic Coaching, Workshop Series, & Bodywork Deposits. Make the first payment up front and the rest over the next 6 weeks. 4 Payments. Always interest-free *when you pay on time*!

+ Cupping
*Don't Book This Online! Select this option in your 24 hour Confirmation Form*
Service Description
Please Note: This section is simply for informational purposes only! Do NOT book this add-on service on this website. You can add this onto your session by selecting it in your 24 hour Confirmation Form. $15. This add-on is for 90-120 minute services only! Cups may be used stationary, with movement, or a combination of both. You may feel relief after just one session, but it is recommended to continue treatments until you are able to maintain benefits monthly. ***Please note: cupping can leave discolorations for as little as a few days up to 2 weeks (in some cases). These discolorations are NOT bruises as bruises are a result from impact injuries and bruises cause pain whereas these marks do not have sensation. Cups can be moved around (called Massage Cupping) to prevent discoloration or placed in discreet areas that will be covered by clothing — please let me know if this is what you need. Please be mindful of scheduling this session two weeks prior to special events or if you are concerned about the marks. It’s recommended that you have a full day following the session to recover from the detoxification process. Cupping is great for relieving/reducing: •Chronic pain •Trigger Points •Facial swelling, drooping, and wrinkles •Cellulite •Headaches •Stress & anxiety •Menstrual discomfort •Pelvic pain •Fibromyalgia symptoms •Scar tissue / adhesions •IT Band syndrome •IBS / Gut / Intestinal issues •Plantar Fasciitis & heel spurs •Sciatica nerve impingement •Acute or chronic lung conditions (be sure that you do not have a fever and are passed the window of being contagious) You might choose cupping if you want: •Optimal health & fertility (approximately 40% of female infertility is related to either tubal obstruction and/or pelvic adhesions) •Reduce scarring/adhesions post c-section •Faster recovery after surgery & injuries (4-6 weeks/per dr. rec) •Increased energy & vitality •Improved digestion & elimination •Assistance with the detoxification process •Increased blood circulation & lymphatic flow
Rescheduling Policy
I completely understand that things come up and life doesn’t always go as planned! Please read our policies thoroughly prior to booking your session. •Yoga Classes/Workshops: If you should need to cancel/reschedule within 24 hours of your class, I kindly ask that you pay for class as space is limited. *This is done on an honor system, at your own discretion.* Payments & class pass credits are non-refundable/transferrable when cancelled within 24 hours of class. •Massage/Bodywork: An online deposit is required when booking your session. Please notify me 24 hours or more in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule your session. Your deposit is non-refundable but is transferrable for all bodywork services when used within 12 months. If you should need to cancel or reschedule within 24 hours of your session, your deposit will be retained to offset my loss of business. In the event I need to cancel your session and rescheduling is not possible, I will refund your deposit. Thank you in advance for valuing me and my time!
Contact Details
38891 6th Ave, North Branch, MN, USA